
Customer Testimonials

I've been working with Susan for several years now. What I appreciate about Susan is that she is an excellent detective. When I have specific pain or discomfort, she doesn’t just massage that area. She asks questions, observes my movements and works to identify the underlying source of the problem. Working with Susan, I have significantly reduced the amount of pain I have in my neck and shoulders. The one time I did have a more severe flare up, Susan was able to get me in right away during off-hours to speed my recovery. I’ve had such a positive experience that I thought it would be helpful for my daughters, ages 11 and 14, to start getting massages as well. They’ve been working with Kim for about a year and have seen equally beneficial results.

Amie S.

Sammamish, WA
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Kim and Susan are a force to be reckoned with the in the world of massage therapy and whole body wellness. Blending a broad range of modalities and a truly holistic, integrative approach, they are skilled at assessing and breaking down even the most complex challenges to create a thorough and focused treatment plan. Adaptive and intuitive in their approach, they readily respond to clients’ needs on any given day, while keeping in mind the overall goals for healing and wellness. It has been a pleasure to work with both Kim and Susan — their respective styles and problem solving skills complement each other beautifully. If you are seeking truly holistic practitioners who will restore peace to your soul and function to your body, look no further. You’ve found them.

Erin B.

Sammamish, WA
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I’ve had the pleasure of seeing Kim (as well as Susan) for my massage therapy for over 3 years. They truly care about their clients to find them relief to whatever ails them. For me, I began seeing Kim when I had shoulder pain. Not only did she help alleviate the pain, but she showed me stretches that would help to prevent that pain for coming. Kim has taught me to become more in tune with my body, which is helpful during our session and in everyday life. I'm an active individual and like to challenge my body physically (CrossFit, running, yoga, etc) and massage therapy has been instrumental in me being able to be active. I can't thank her enough for helping me take better care of my body, inside and out. I was interested in learning how to practice yoga and began taking individual sessions with Susan 6 months ago. Having an office job, I tend to have tight hips and lower back pain. Now that I'm practicing yoga, even if it's just a couple of poses, my tightness is minimal. I used to see a chiropractor for adjustments but now I don't have to thanks to Susan! My body is responding well to the yoga and I feel more calm mentally. I can't wait to try some of her yoga workshops and practice with other yogis as well as continue my individual sessions.

Stephanie H.

Issaquah, WA
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I’ve been to a lot of places (to receive bodywork)….it feels like Align360 has created an experience. 

Janice C.

Issaquah WA
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Kim is the finest massage therapist that I ever encountered. She is very highly skilled using a variety of massage techniques and always adjusting to my needs. She has made a huge difference in the quality of my life. I have better alignment, greater flexibility and range of motion and a better understanding and more tools to improve my own health. I highly recommend Kim and Align360. 

Dan E.

Issaquah, WA
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There is an incredible new massage business in Issaquah. Align360. Kim Breshears and her entire team are the best at what they do. I receive medical massage and I greatly appreciate Kim's dedication to continuing to educate herself in her practice. Check them out. www.align360issaquah.com! 425-526-7500. I love supporting local business, especially one as great as this! Kari R Issaquah, WA

Kari R.

Issaquah, WA
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Susan was the only person, after seeing countless other practitioners, to successfully resolve issues that I’d almost accepted as being permanent. Specifically, pain in both knees while dancing, and ever-present knots between my shoulder blades. It’s wonderful to do the activities that I love again, without pain.

Ruth L.

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I am a reluctant exerciser who has trained with Maria for nearly 5 years.  What impressed me the most is Maria's adept listening skills.  I have moderate scoliosis and had a fear about doing anything that would "hurt" my back.  I wouldn't do a single exercise without in-depth inquiry as to the benefit, she would explain and ensure I felt comfortable. She was so patient with me even though my fears were largely driven from my lack of understanding the body.

Aside from her physiological expertise, Maria brings energy to my workouts.  She has the most pleasant smile and infectious laugh.  I am lucky that she has elected to keep me as a client - I now tell her I donate my body for these workouts as laoong as she makes me laugh while I am doing reps.

Peggy S

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I would like to give recognition to Maria's phenomenal training style to meet my personal needs.  She always encourages me to work harder and the endurance needed to follow through.  She makes me laugh every day and encourages me to feel good about my accomplishments.  Maria positively enables me to move towards my goals of improved flexibility,stretching,strengthening, and optimal physical mobility.

Kurt S

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I have been exercising under Maria's supervision for the past several weeks after a cardiac stent placement.  With Maria's medical background and expertise in fitness training, I am gaining strength and endurance by the week.  Maria incorporates variety which has motivated me to exceed my personal expectations.  I now look forward to training days with Maria, knowing that I am achieving my personal best!

Kari F

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I met Maria 5 years ago when I decided to try out strength training for a week.  5 years later and I am still training with Maria every week.  Maria brings energy and enthusiasm to every session, and she tailors what we do to where I am and where I want to go.  Maria knows how to push me without breaking me.  Maria is the perfect trainer!

Greg S

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