Stephanie H. Testimonial

Customer Testimonials

I've had the pleasure of seeing Kim (as well as Susan) for my massage therapy for over 3 years. They truly care about their clients to find them relief to whatever ails them.
Stephanie H.  |  Issaquah, WA

I’ve had the pleasure of seeing Kim (as well as Susan) for my massage therapy for over 3 years. They truly care about their clients to find them relief to whatever ails them. For me, I began seeing Kim when I had shoulder pain. Not only did she help alleviate the pain, but she showed me stretches that would help to prevent that pain for coming. Kim has taught me to become more in tune with my body, which is helpful during our session and in everyday life. I'm an active individual and like to challenge my body physically (CrossFit, running, yoga, etc) and massage therapy has been instrumental in me being able to be active. I can't thank her enough for helping me take better care of my body, inside and out. I was interested in learning how to practice yoga and began taking individual sessions with Susan 6 months ago. Having an office job, I tend to have tight hips and lower back pain. Now that I'm practicing yoga, even if it's just a couple of poses, my tightness is minimal. I used to see a chiropractor for adjustments but now I don't have to thanks to Susan! My body is responding well to the yoga and I feel more calm mentally. I can't wait to try some of her yoga workshops and practice with other yogis as well as continue my individual sessions.